售價:198 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Play Days of Monsters, a free online game on Kongregate www.kongregate.com/games/MostroGames/days-of-monsters
Kongregate free online game Days of Monsters - There are days of joy, days of sorrow... and Days of Monsters! As every evil genius knows, th.... Play Days of Monsters www.mofunzone.com/games/days_of_monsters.html Video embedded · Days of Monsters!: There are days of joy, days of sorrow... and Days of Monsters! As an evil genius, create monsters and take over the world!. Fun … www.monster.com Monster is your source for jobs and career opportunities. Search for jobs, read career advice from Monster's job experts, and find hiring and recruiting advice.
Video embedded · There are days of joy, days of sorrow… and Days of Monsters! As every evil genius knows, there’s no better way to conquer the world than breeding giant monsters. www.silvergames.com/days-of-monsters
Days of Monsters is a cool action game about hybrid monsters whose sole purpose is to destroy the humanity. Attack cities with your monsters and destroy all buildings. |
詳細資料ISBN:9789571062822 叢書系列:浮文字 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 12.6 X 19 CM / 普通級/ 部份全彩 / 初版 出版地:台灣 內容簡介●第九屆MF文庫J新人賞〈最優秀賞〉得獎作品。 1200年前的【邂逅之日】那天,魔物出現在世界上,裡面包括龍、包括妖狐、包括巨人。於是有了戰爭、有了魔王、有了英雄。經歷了許多的戰鬥、犧牲、時日,人類與魔物勉強得以共存。話雖如此,人魔之間依舊摩擦不斷。為了維持雙方的和平,人魔調停局的新人實勤官萊爾.安格雷今天依然在和案件和上司歐洛德的斥責戰鬥。就在這時,希望加入社會的外部魔物聚落【龍羽之里】派人來訪,他和搭檔獨角獸愛露密斯受命護衛使者。不過,他們的護衛對象不但是龍族的公主,還是一名稚齡少女——!?第九屆MF文庫J新人賞〈最優秀賞〉得主,槍與魔法的現代戰鬥懸疑劇誕生! |
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